How To Remove A Category From Squarespace

How to delete a category on Squarespace is quite easy to do. The process involves accessing the settings menu and going to the category editor. You can click “Edit” to change the name of the category, or you can untag it entirely. Once you’ve done so, you’ll have to save your changes. There are several ways to do this. First, you can disable the category, which will remove it from your Squarespace site. Second, you can choose to make a new category or tag page instead.

Next, you should create a new category, if you don’t already have one. Adding a category will make your blog more organized. If you don’t use categories on your site, you can delete the category and add the item to another category. Toggling sales tax is another way to remove an item from your site. But remember to save your changes! This is a critical step for organizing your content and ensuring your site’s safety.

However, before you can save your changes, you must first figure out why you need it. Many website owners use categories to increase their search engine rankings. By categorizing your content, you can further organize your content and avoid the confusion. You can also use categories to create a more convenient way to organize your blog posts. And don’t forget to save your changes. After creating a category, you can now add a new item to the same category, toggle sales tax or delete an entire section.