Who Made Fresco Wall Paintings?

Who Made Fresco Wall Murals?

There are many theories about who made fresco wall murals. Early artists mainly used red pigment called sinopia to create their masterpieces. In modern times, the technique has been adapted to include paper drawing on the wall and pressing soot over primary lines. However, the method of creating murals is the same no matter what country you are in. Here’s an explanation of how these works were created.

The most common technique is the buon fresco. This involves applying three successive layers of specially prepared plaster. The artist may use marble dust or sand to add texture. The layers are rubbed together in order to create a smooth finish. The process of applying the final coat of plaster is long and tedious. While many people are aware of the artistic value of a fresco wall mural, most of us don’t understand its technicalities.

Historically, fresco wall paintings have been divided into four distinct styles. The first, called Incrustation, was developed in Italy in the 13th century and is characterized by blocks of color on the wall. The second is raised backs and adds to the marbleized effect. These faux finishes have been used throughout the ages and are popular in modern homes. They have become an essential part of a home’s decor.